REVIEW: Tony Moly Goat Milk Cream Foam Cleanser

By Resa Peralta - Thursday, February 18, 2016

Since the year 2016 started I also want to try out new products and improve my skincare routine. I actually bought this product last year but I couldn't find time to do a review since I was busy on my internship.

I guess everyone has been hearing about the famous Goat Milk skincare line from Tony Moly. I decided to give this product a try because I was searching for a gentle cleanser that will work on my face. For the past few months, I have been using makeup every single day and the thought of giving an extra investment to my skincare routine had become unnoticeable to me. So here I am, I promised to myself that this year I will invest more in skincare products more than makeup! (I wish I can do this, because I am currently addicted to makeup)

The Naturalth Goat Milk Cream Foam cleanser contains 10,000pm of Goat Milk. 
Goat Milk is known to be one the finest moisturizer since the ancient times and is considered as a natural cleanser. Goat Milk is enriched with Vitamin A, B6, B12 and Vitamin A that are considered to be important in skincare products.

The foam has a creamy rich texture. I love how it makes my face feels so smooth. The cleanser has a mild scent and when lathered on the face it foams a lot so you do not have to pour out too much of this foam on your hand because a small amount of the cleansing cream foam can go a long way. However it doesn't really do anything on to my face aside from leaving my skin smooth. I mean, in terms of removing my makeup thoroughly, I think I would use another cleanser for that, but If I'm just at home without applying makeup on to my face, then I would prefer to use this one. I would recommend this to people who have sensitive skin and looking for a mild cleanser that will not give any irritations to the skin. 


Makes your face soft
Mild cleanser
Doesn't irritate the skin
Doesn't have a strong scent

Doesn't remove makeup deeply


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